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Store & Breeding Cattle

All classes of Store and Breeding Cattle sales take place every Thursday. Here you can find all of the sales and entry information. To keep up to date with the latest information, sign up to our Store and Breeding Stock newsletter.

Autumn Sale timetable


10:00am - Store Lambs

Followed by Couples and then In Lamb Ewes

10:30 - Calves changing to 10am from 16th March 2023

11:30am - Stirks / Weanling Cattle

12:00pm - Dairy Cattle (Last Thursday every month)

12:00pm - Cows with Calves at Foot every fortnight (Keep an eye out)

12:30pm - Over Thirty Month Cattle followed by Store Cattle


3:00pm - Breeding Ewes


Autumn season will be shown here soon

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