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Suckler Bred Entry Form

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Livestock details

Farm assured?
Please select where the cattle have been moved from?
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1. I hereby declare that I am the owner/owner’s agent of the animal(s) described above and that to the best of my knowledge the particulars shown on this form are true and complete.

2. I do hereby declare that all animals listed above have come directly from a farm which has had no movement ofFoot & Mouth susceptible livestock onto the holding in the 6 days prior to the day of the market sale, and the holding is not under restriction for bovine Tuberculosis (TB).

3. I do hereby declare that I have conformed to all the requirements of the Current General Licence.

4. I understand that any false declaration made on this form could result in prosecution under the Animal Health Act1981. The information here may be used on local and central government data bases & by local authorities to check for compliance with legislation covering Cleansing & Disinfecting animal transporting vehicles.

5. I do hereby declare that withdrawal periods for veterinary medicines and other treatments have been met and I have declared any medicinal products that have been administered to any cattle in the last 28 days.

6. None of the cattle show any signs of abnormality which I have not declared.

7. To the best of my knowledge the animals are not showing signs of any disease or condition that may affect the safety of meat derived from them.

8. No analysis of samples taken from animals on the holding or other samples has shown that the animals in this consignment may have been exposed to any disease or condition that may affect the safety of meat or to substances likely to result in residues in meat.

9. Drivers are required to Cleanse & Disinfect their vehicle as soon as practicable and in any case within 24 hours or before if it is next used for carrying livestock or poultry, whichever is the sooner.

10. I declare that the vehicle registered above will be cleansed and disinfected in accordance with the Transport ofAnimals (Cleansing & Disinfection)(England)(No. 3) Order 2003

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