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Show Potential Cattle Entry

C o n d i t i o n s o f E n t r y
1. No entry will be accepted without correct payment.
2. All prize monies will be withheld on unsold animals.
3. All animals are to be halter lead or halter tied in the pen except the pairs and group of four.
4. All animals entered for sale must be the property of the vendor four months prior to date of sale.
5. Entries are restricted to fully paid members of the North Wales potentials. (Fee for new members £10).
7. The Auctioneers National Conditions of Sale will apply.
8. Maximum of 5 animals per vendor in the unhaltered section (in the single unhaltered class).
9. All cattle over 3 months must be dehorned and castrated.
10. No late entries will be accepted.
11. The committee will be operating an inspection of entrees on the morning of the sale, any animal deemed unfit will be removed from the show and sale
* New classes – Pair of Heifers, Pair of Steers, Group of 4 Heifers, Group of 4 Steers.
These cattle are not to be tied in their pens. These classes will be judge in the pen. Animals not to be shown in any other class and class winners will not be eligible for the singles championships.
THERE WILL BE NO CHANGES OF CLASS; Cattle will be entered into the class requested on the entry form and will not be allowed to change. We reserve the right to split classes dependent on entry numbers. If a class is split, only the class winners will receive prize money.
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